[UPDATED] Vanguard on Twitter: “I’ve never had an orgasm”

UPDATE: There is an actual article. Question: Why did they only put “I’ve never had an orgasm” in the first place?


While some of us were busy checking out fine men and women on the TL. VanguardNGR, this morning decided to inform us about their sex life (which we later learned from the article above that it was a reported speech). Whether this was done in error or as a publicity stunt is yet to be ascertained. However, we suspect the tweet to have come from this Twitter user, Aliyu (same text and then he has vanguardngr.com in his bio). Thanks to Tosin’s (twitter user) detective skills.

Another Twitter user, let us know that there was an actual article that needed to be referenced.

The effect of that single “I’ve never had orgasm” created a lot of buzz on Twitter with over 400RTs in less than 100minutes. Perhaps, now we can rest. But before then, do well to check the replies to their  initial tweet.

UPDATE: Other parts of this initial post has been deleted due to the recent updates.



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