You Can Now Pay Your Tithes and Offering Online via SimpleGiving


Technology has made life so easy and i guess we are just witnessing the early beginning, it is touching every aspect of our lives including spiritual life. We have had religious programs holding online, making it easy for members to join and attend anywhere they are without being physically present at the Brick and Mortar setting. There has been a lot of debate around people attending programs from wherever they are and how they remit their tithes and offering.  Now i guess the solution has come if the religious organisations choose to adopt it, at least convincing their followers wont be an herculean task.

The solution has come via an online Payment solution platform SimplePayan Online Payments Aggregator founded in 2013 that allows you to securely and quickly send and receive money and perform simple payments online. SimplePay recently launched SimpleGiving, a service that allows people pay their offerings and tithes via an app on their mobile phone.

According to Rich Tanksley, “The church creates a merchant account. We add them as a church in the application. So from the mobile app, users can select their church. For subsequent transactions it defaults to their church. Then they type in an amount and if it goes to the general fund or for a specific fund (like “building fund”). They click “Give Now” and they have given.” A notification email and SMS is sent to both the church and the sender.

SimpleGiving is sure to reduce the risk of moving heavy cash around after every service and so far four churches have signed up. The church and the members can log into the web portal to check their transactions and it becomes easier to monitor and track all transactions.

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