Selar claims to be the best online marketplace for your business

Selar provides Nigerians with the necessary tools to sell products and services.

Selling a service could be such a pain, hence, solving such a problem falls into omg rutor the sweet spot for entrepreneurs. Companies like Medium have taken the pain out of blogging. Although, WordPress has been doing that for a while now.

Also, the Nigerian company, FrontDeskNG has made it easier to build websites for your businesses without needing a web-developer. You simply leverage their DIY Website Builder.

As an aside, it is becoming clearer to me that startups aimed at creating platforms for other startups might be onto something. Because their model works based off a ripple effect from the growth of the startups on their platform.

Selar brings together in one place all the bits and pieces needed to make your business work online. These include a payment system, product listing page as well as insight board for analytics. In a world of data mining and targeted marketing, you definitely need all the data you can get.

Here is their claim:

While some of the things they might have stated about other marketplaces might be a bit of an exaggeration; it doesn’t undermine the fact that you don’t pay anything for sign-up. Also, their payouts are automatic and you can make international transactions.

So, are you a young university student who is into music, photography, graphic design etc or do you make beads, ankara, hats etc? Selar is definitely worth the try.

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