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CJID Journalism, Digital Tech and AI Conference

CJID set to covene Journalism, Digital Tech and AI Conference 2024

The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID), a West African media innovation and development think-tank, is set to convene a two-day conference on journalism, digital technology, and Artificial Intelligence.

The programme, which will hold in Abuja on May 27 and 28, 2024, will bring together journalists, media stakeholders, technologists and civil society organizations to discuss the how rapid advancements in technology and artificial intelligence are reshaping the way news and information are reported and consumed.

Last week, CJID stated in its newsletter that, “This convening is especially crucial as the media navigates this complex landscape.”

“We are convinced that through keynote addresses, panel discussions, case studies, and interactive sessions, this convening will facilitate dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing on strategies for navigating digital disruption, harnessing the power of AI, and ensuring the continued vitality of the media ecosystem.”

The speakers at the conference will include, Iyin Aboyeji from Future Africa; Adaora Ikenze from Meta; Dr. Olusola Sayeed Ayoola of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RAIN); CJID’s Director of Programmes, Akintunde Babatunde; David Ajikobi from Africa Check; Hannah Ajaka, editor at Facts Matter; Silas Jonathan, CJID’s Research Manager on the DAIDAC project; and Nkem Agunwa, a communicator and digital campaigner.

CJID also confirmed that, at the conference, it will unveil two innovative tech tools aimed at enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of fact-checking processes.

It further stated, “This is coming at a time when bad actors are leveraging tech innovations around the world to improve their skills and strategies. We are launching an audio platform and chatbot that would represent a significant contribution to the fight against misinformation.”

It is a closed event but interested participants can join the live-stream here on May 27, 2024.

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