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Yudala promises same day delivery across Nigeria

Claims by latest ecommerce player in Nigeria,  Yudala, that it can offer same day delivery service across Nigeria could at best be described as ambitious. But knowing that the company is launching experience stores in every major Nigerian state makes the promises possible.

Yet, Yudala’s honest promise to launch same-day delivery nationwide might be too ambitious at this time and might cause it more trouble than the PR it’s getting. Handling warehousing, delivery and logistics is not as easy as running a walk-in retail chain across the country. With one customer unhappy, the rotten tomato affects others and soon the sack.

But it’s a good game to watch though, if they can revolutionize the country’s retail and e-commerce sector or this is just grandiouse speak to scare the incumbent online-only Jumia, Konga, Gloo and others.
