Tech Giants’ Actions against COVID-19


The world is facing a pandemic that is affecting the health of the world’s population and leading to an economic meltdown. Despite these events, tech companies have decided to play certain roles in the face of COVID-19.


Amazon is one of the companies that has been making efforts to meet the essential needs of communities during this period. They have been delivering items to doorsteps as social distancing is required to fight the virus.

To support those who are majorly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon has committed €21 million (almost $23 million USD) donation to the Red Cross organizations in the UK, Germany, France, and Spain, as well as the Civil Protection Department in Italy, in which these countries are  to donate to local non-profit organizations in communities where Amazon employees live and work.


Google is partnering with the U.S. government in developing a website dedicated to COVID-19 education, prevention, and local resources nationwide. This includes best practices on prevention, links to authoritative information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

They are also helping people find timely and useful information through Google Search, Maps and YouTube. Right now, Google has been promoting the “Do the Five” campaign to raise awareness of simple measures needed in order to reduce the spread of the disease, according to the WHO.

Google has made their video conferencing app available to G Suite customers, using the premium features of Meet, at no cost until July 1, 2020. In addìtion, creating new distance learning resources, including a collection of training materials, a new YouTube Learning Hub, and a series of blog posts and webinars.


Facebook is donating 720,000 face masks to health workers and is combating coronavirus misinformation as it works frequently with the WHO, the CDC, and other government organizations. Facebook is expanding Community Help as part of its COVID-19 efforts.

The new COVID-19 Community Help hub will allow people either make request or give help to those impacted by the pandemic, as well as donate to non-profit fundraisers.


Microsoft has asked its  employees to work from home like every company has during this COVID-19. Microsoft is committed to keeping those who are reliant on its WFH (Work From Home), and virtual learning solutions connected.

Microsoft is also assisting the CDC to assess symptoms and risk factors quickly for people with possible symptoms, and provide information for the best course of action. Microsoft’s Healthcare Bot Service, which is powered by Microsoft Azure is in use to help with these assessments.


Cisco is committing $225 million to the various COVID-19 efforts. $8 million is in cash, and $210 million is in products and resources that focus on healthcare, education, government efforts, and technology. Cisco is also encouraging its 77,000 employees to give what they can by launching an employee matching gift campaign for $4 million in total giving.

Cisco is providing funding and technology solutions for government agencies and businesses. Webex and Security are some of Cisco’s free software solutions with Security reaching over 2.2 million people online


Apple Inc. has launched its COVID-19 screening tools for users to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. They released an app for iPhones and iPads with information about the pandemic and questions to help users determine if they should be tested for the illness. Apple also released a corresponding website with similar functions.

The company said it partnered with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House Coronavirus Task Force and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to build the tools.

It also included to its Siri digital assistant answers about the virus. Apple has donated $15 million towards the global COVID-19 response as well as efforts to lower the economic effects.

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