Social Media Obsession is real: Effective ways to handle it

social media

Even your brain needs some downtime. When it’s time to relax, don’t keep it active by incessantly scrolling through your phone.

There are ways to cut down on social media. What more, they are effective too.


1. Plan social media breaks

Rather than checking your social media profiles on your phone throughout the day, set scheduled times to get updated. Use set time for social media and dedicate time for other things that would improve your thinking and creativity.


2. Time yourself

It’s easy to get lose track of time scrolling through tweets and Facebook posts. Try cutting yourself off after five to 10 minutes. Fine you plan social media breaks, but even if you’ve set an hour aside for social media. You shouldn’t be there for the straight hour. Time yourself, so you don’t get too engrossed and forget other tasks.


3. Decide what’s important

Focus on the networks that are most relevant to you. If you go on Facebook to scroll through news feeds and watch funny video, but on Twitter, you get industry news and business guide from a particular account, then you should spend more time on Twitter. Also, consider which pages to unlike or ‘unfollow’ and which friends to ‘unfriend’ to help clear up some space in your news feed or timeline.

Places you shouldn’t bring your smartphone:


1. The Dining Table

Cellphones can be social tools, like when you look at a video together. Cellphones are very useful when you’re at dinner and you want to go see a movie and one of you pulls out your phone and looks up the time. The danger is when you just sit with it there, face up, next to you. Or you’re literally checking Facebook or posting stuff to Instagram while you’re with someone.


2. The Bedroom

If you live by yourself, you’ll sleep better if you charge your phone in another room. You won’t wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone. You won’t sit there until 1 o’clock in the morning on your phone and then get less sleep. But especially if you share a bed with someone, you really don’t want it there. Because you want to wake up in the morning and say ‘good morning.’


3. The Conference Room

As a rule of thumb, it should never be on a table or easily viewable when you’re with another human being. Use your cellphone responsibly and engage with social media responsibly because it’s an addictive thing. If it gets out of balance, it will really destroy relationships.


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