Sending high-quality images on WhatsApp just got better

Sending high-quality images on WhatsApp has been an issue since all images sent via the platform will be compressed, leading to a reduction in their original quality. The only way to send images that do not alter their original quality is to send them as documents. But, this still has its limitations.

Sending an image as a document means that the image cannot be previewed before it’s downloaded. So, picky WhatsApp users like yours truly often find downloading images as documents on WhatsApp very frustrating. That may be about to change.

A Coming Update Will Bring Previews To Sending Images As Documents On WhatsApp

This update was announced by WhatsApp Beta and is said to come with the beta update for Android.

With this new update, WhatsApp users will be able to see the preview of high-quality images sent before hitting the download button, saving you hard-earned data.

This feature will first touch down as a beta (just the way all other features arrive), such that only a select number of beta testers will be allowed to try out this feature. Until this test is complete, WhatsApp users can not have access to this new feature. Once the feature is made public, it will come to all WhatsApp Android users in the form of an update via the Google Play Store.

There are a lot of new and amazing features coming to WhatsApp for both Android OS and iOS. These features are mainly designed to simplify how you use WhatsApp, so stay glued to TechCityNG as we will constantly update you on new features as they drop.

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