Registration for CcHUB Summer of Code 2015 is now open

Its summer time again and that means that the kids are ready to come home on holidays. They are all so excited to play and party but then again, the parents still want to keep them engaged in one way or the other, either to bring them up to speed with some of their outstanding school works or just to get them still busy while they go about their daily activities. Whatever the case, we advise that you engage your kids in something that helps them to develop additional life skills which is what the CcHUB Summer of Code does.

The CcHUB Summer of Code is a 4-week summer programme. It is an initiative by CcHub  to raise a new generation of digital makers. At  the programme, kids learn new skills and tools to express their creativity. The highlight of the program is the Demo day which the participants look forward to as they present projects they’ve built to their parents and invited guests.

This year, the organisers have chosen to focus on developing young makers in line with the global movement which promotes the concept of learning through action, hence ‘making’. This will be achieved by teaching the kids how to program computers.

Computer programming is a powerful tool used in bringing ideas to life. Regardless of their interests, kids will have an opportunity to share those ideas with the larger community. In addition, these young people also improve their critical thinking and problem solving abilities.

This year, there will be three tracks crafted to suit the unique interests of the kids. You can sign your kids up to any of the tracks below or have them choose for themselves at the start of the program:

The RockStars

This track has been crafted specifically for kids to explore and develop their musical talents and abilities through unique lessons and projects aimed at bringing out the inner rockstar in them.

The AniMakers

This is for kids who are interested in learning how to make games and animations.

The HardWebbers

This is the most advanced track and is for teenagers interested in learning web and hardware programming.

The program is open to kids between the ages of 8 to 18 years old. It kicks off on the 3rd of August and ends on the 29th of August, 2015 at the CcHUB MXLab, Ground Floor, 294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba between the hours of 11:00am – 3:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

For more information about the Summer of Code, click here and give your child a super exciting summer

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