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PVC Collection dates, Amaka vs Zenith bank, Elon Musk’s Guinness world record and ChatGPT’s crash | News roundup

ChatGPT crashing multiple times in the process of a potential $10b investment from Microsoft is giving “village people.”

This week on the TechCity news roundup, we share updates on Nigeria’s preparation for elections this February. Nigerian banks are back in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons and this time, Zenith bank is being dragged for unauthorized withdrawals by a former staff. Prince Harry and Elon Musk have both broken a record of their own. One for losing a ton of money and the other for bringing family matter to the internets. We know Prince Harry is not on good terms with his family, but ChatGPT crashing multiple times in the process of a potential $10b investment from Microsoft is giving “village people.” Get all the juicy details on the latest TechCity News roundup! No sparse stuff, we promise.
