#HowTo Join the CcHub Graduate Program

cchub nigeria

Spend the best 3 months of your life building an exciting career as a creator or an executor in the CcHub Graduate Program.

CcHub is a social innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic growth.

CcHUB  Graduate program is centred at helping candidates unleash their inner genius

CcHUB  Graduate program is centred at helping candidates unleash their inner genius through this 3 months program that offers a comprehensive training with five major stages after which the candidate perfects his/her skill in either creation or execution.

The five stages include visiting the website; cchubnigeria.com to select a work option the second stage entails proceeding to submit an online application after which the person goes through an assessment process. At stage four the candidate gets to go for a personal interview and finally if he/ she makes it, they are accepted into the Graduate program.

To apply for the CcHub Graduate Program, candidates must have finished their NYSC program between 2015 to 2017 and be able to provide his/her NYSC discharge certificate, have a comfortable knowledge of the use of a computer. Candidates should be smart, creative, have good communication skills and a willingness to learn.

During the 3 months training program, candidates are exposed to soft skill training, get access to a considerable amount of potential employers, candidates also enjoy the benefit of their training in attractive payment. Mentoring including personal career advisory and support sessions, Interaction with industry leaders is also a huge opportunity the candidates will enjoy.

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