Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 arrives

Internet Explorer 10

If you’re willing to take a chance on software that still has some rough edges, you can now download Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7. At noon eastern (a few minutes early, actually), the download link went live over on the IE test drive site.

What can you expect from IE10? It picks up where IE9 left off, so you’ll see better JavaScript and overall rendering performance and improved support for web standards, for starters. That includes new CSS goodies like 3D transforms, transition, animations, SVG filter effects plus HTML5 file APIs and drag-and-drop, Web workers, and much more.

Internet Explorer 10 users on Windows 7 will also be able to take advantage of the same much-improved Chakra JavaScript engine that powers IE10 on Windows 8. The hardware acceleration code that made IE9 a much better performer than its predecessors has been overhauled, too.

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