How to Succeed as a YouTuber


To succeed at any business, not just at running a YouTube channel, the beginning can be tough. This is so because people might not know, like or trust you. You simply have to find a way to stand out of the crowd, to make yourself heard or seen.

Let’s show you some tips for making your  YouTube channel successful.


1. Be original

Over the years, YouTube has been known for helping to find new talent and success. If you have a talent or interest of any sort, YouTube is the place to show it off!  The famous singer, Justin Bieber, made his fame from YouTube. By just posting singing videos and sharing them with friends, he was scouted by manager, Scooter Braun.

The trick, however, is being yourself and not just go into making videos on YouTube because it’s the in-thing. Have your own  style and never replicate anyone else’s. Make videos that show the real you to your subscribers. No one wants to watch someone who is fake and looks highly uncomfortable in front of the camera.

Also, decide on the types of topics and videos you would enjoy making.


2. Do it for love

When starting out as a YouTuber, it is important that you don’t do it for the fame or money. It should solely be because you love it.

The thing with passion is, eventually people would see it and your following and view count will move up. It may take some time, but never feel bad or relent because soon, you will be reaching the level of fame and fortune you crave for.

So first, be passionate and hardworking.


3. Your phone camera can do the trick

Most people think in order to succeed on YouTube, you need a highly expensive camera with amazing quality. Well, that is not true. Your camera phone would work just as well.

The trick here is to use good lighting – natural sunlight is what you need. Absolutely realise that it is not just about how expensive a camera is, but also about the quality of your content.

Even if you don’t have the best camera, remember this is a start and eventually, you can upgrade once you can afford it.


4. Produce quality content

When starting out it is important to put yourself in the place of your viewers. Your videos should be fresh content to have anyone look forward to them. If you are shooting yourself at a desk, be sure to buy a (white) light to sit in front of you and a high-definition camera to record your face.

Nobody wants to watch a blurry video, that has been shot in a dark room, with bad sound and no background music. So you get the drift –take care of the details.

Decide if you’re entertained with your own videos. Well, if you are, then chances are, your viewers would be entertained as well and would subscribe to your channel.


5. Have a plan and stick to it

It is important to have a plan for your YouTube channel.

Have all of your video ideas written down somewhere for frequent reference. This way, you can easily determine what, when and how you’re going to film and upload them. 

Planning ahead helps for consistency and precision and that’s how you build a successful channel. If viewers can see how dedicated you are to what you do, your views are sure to increase whenever you upload a new video.


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