How to sleep better with Sleep Schedule on the iPhone

iPhone sleep schedule

The iPhone sleep schedule feature helps users monitor their sleep routine, thus enabling healthy sleeping habits. Visiting a doctor to get advice on your sleep routine may be a tad difficult due to busy schedules. Your iPhone, though not a doctor, is a good health companion as it comes with a number of health features. Here’s a breakdown of the sleep schedule feature on the iPhone and how you can use it effectively. 

Setting up a sleep schedule on your iPhone

Although the sleep schedule feature has been an iPhone feature for a while, it remains unused and quite unpopular. Follow this step by step process on how to can easily set up and use the sleep feature on your iPhone. You need to first ensure that your iPhone is running at least iOS 14, any version below this is not supported.

Setting up, wind down to prepare you for a good night of sleep

There are a few other added features that make this more fun to use, such as wind down. You can also set up wind down from the sleep schedule settings page. It helps to prepare you sleep a few minutes before your actual bedtime, allowing your mind to settle and put you in a sleepy state. 

When I use this feature, I have soft keyboard tracks from my playlist while on the wind down. I’ve noticed that this helps me sleep faster like a baby. To enable this for yourself, add an Apple Music shortcut to your wind downtime. The setup for the wind down feature follows the actual sleep schedule setup. Once all is set, you should be on a page that has the heading “sweet dreams,” now tap done, and you’re good to go!

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