How To Become a YouTube Star


Popular videos tend to have a lot of personality and something unique about them. The YouTube community is very active and will rate, comment on and share interesting videos. People often create video responses to other popular videos – these tributes can get as many views as the original hit.

2. What kind of equipment does a user need to make cool vids? (eg, obviously video camera, what about editing equipment etc?)

YouTube is for everyone – you don’t need to spend a lot of money to produce entertaining videos. You will need a video camera but it doesn’t need to be high-spec – it could be a webcam, mobile phone camera, flip video camera or a digicam. Taking some time to think about lighting and sound will pay off and basic editing does help make your video more attractive. Most cameras come with editing tools. This is a fun project to do with a friend but if you need more help, use the YouTube community – there are millions of budding film directors who can give you tips. You can check out some video tip here:

 3. Are there any other tips or tricks you can share?



 Author: Juliet Ehimuan is the (Nigeria) Country Manager for Google

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