4 Eco-Conscious Tech Products for Your Home

With the increased awareness of global warming and the effects of climate change, there’s an ever-growing demand for more eco-friendly products. The tech industry is no exception, and if you want to stay tech-savvy while doing your part in saving the planet, you should consider getting yourself some of these eco-conscious products.

  1. Remanufactured Printer Cartridges

Printer cartridges are made of plastic and metal that end up in the trash once the ink is used up. Instead of getting brand new cartridges, you should consider buying remanufactured ones. Such cartridges are actually used-up OEM (original equipment manufacturer) cartridges that are disassembled, cleaned, reassembled, and refilled with ink, which means the cartridges are recycled instead of being sent straight to the landfill.

This doesn’t just help reduce the amount of plastic and metal waste coming from your household, but it also helps you save money. Top-quality remanufactured cartridges offer the same (if not better) quality and performance as their OEM counterparts, but at a much smaller cost.

  1. Power Adapters

A lot of electric appliances uses up a lot of energy when powering up, and these spikes in energy can quickly add up to a lot of wasted energy. In fact, the Consumer Electronics Association claims that simply powering up devices can cost a household an extra 13% in terms of energy costs. Changing all your electronic appliances would be too impractical, and this is where power adapters come in handy.

Eco-friendly power adapters are designed to give devices only the exact amount of power needed to operate. This means you get rid of excess energy consumption and cut down your monthly bills. More importantly, it also helps cut down your household’s carbon footprint, especially in the long run.

  1. Automated Lighting

Switching to LED lights alone can help reduce the amount of energy spent on keeping your home well-lighted. However, if you are going to keep the lights on all day long because it is more convenient than switching it off and on then you will be just wasting the energy efficiency of your LED lights.

Majority of automated lighting solutions rely on motion sensors for lighting control but you can also find time-based systems that are set to turn on or off during certain times of the day. These systems can be used for both indoor and outdoor lighting, and are great for making sure the lights are on only when you need them.

  1. Smart Thermostats

One of the biggest power guzzlers in your home is the heating and air conditioning system. To make matters worse, it can be a chore to keep adjusting the thermostat just to make sure you stay comfortable without consuming more electricity. Luckily, there are smart thermostats out in the market today.

These devices use high-tech sensors and cloud computing to analyze your lifestyle. All the data is stored in the system, allowing it to make changes based on what you’re currently doing. The best systems even use cloud computing to help take external factors such as temperatures and weather forecasts to plan how your HVAC will work throughout the day to minimize energy consumption without sacrificing comfort.

Staying tech-savvy doesn’t have to come at the cost of the planet. These eco-conscious products are just a small sample of the tech that can help you enjoy a more nature-friendly lifestyle.

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