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BlackBerry, Top Executives, Devices, BBM, twitter

Blackberry to Create Smartwatch In Nearest Future

BlackBerry always gets to carry last when it comes to innovation. The Waterloo-based company is finally getting ready to enter the world of wearable tech just like their predecessors Samsung, Apple and Motorola.

According to CEO John Chen, the company is researching wearable platforms like smart glasses and smartwatches which would have BlackBerry Messenger installed on them.

“I would love to have… BBM on a wearable,” Chen said, “It’s definitely an area of research for us.”

Would this move to create tech wearables boost sales for BlackBerry? John Chen and his team have a lot of research and sleepless nights ahead of them if they don’t want their smartwatches to be ridiculed. BlackBerry, just like Nokia, has in recent times has lost its position at the top of the mobile market as it struggles with competitors to maintain its profits.

We can be optimistic of progressive innovation from BlackBerry as the new leadership headed by Chen (who became CEO last November) is making continuous and increased efforts to attract customers in emerging markets using its patented physical keyboard and doubling its app offerings through a partnership with Amazon as an edge.
