Apply: Django Girls free programming workshop for women

django girls

Are you a girl who would like to learn how to build websites, but don’t know where or how to start? Then, you are in luck! Django Girls is hosting a free one-day workshop to teach 60 girls how to build websites from scratch. This workshop which would be in Minna, Niger state, is aimed at total beginners. You don’t need to know anything about programming to participate. you just need to bring your own laptop and some curiosity 🙂

Django Girls believes the IT industry will greatly benefit from bringing more women into technology. This is an opportunity to learn how to program and become one of the growing population of Nigerian Female programmers!

Workshops are free of charge and if you cannot afford coming to MINNA but are very motivated to learn and then share your knowledge with others, you may be given some funds to help you out with your travel costs and accommodation.



As a workshop attendee you will:


Application deadline:

31st January, 2018 and you will be informed about your status of your application by February 3rd or sooner.


How to apply:

To apply, visit here.

There is space only for 60 Girls, so make sure to fill out the form very carefully!

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