Adele Shuns Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal as album ’25’ Drops

The entire world, i dare say, has waited long enough for Adele‘s album titled 25 and while the sensational, record breaking single, Hello from the album was available for download from a number of sites (together with seemingly endless covers plus videos to boot) and what not, the full album which millions have already pre-ordered will not be streamed on any live platform like what the international audience seem to have enjoyed from some other artistes.

According to the New York Times, 25 which drops in a matter of hours will not be streamed live on Spotify, Apple music, Pandora, JayZ’s Tidal or the likes anywhere in the world. The reason for this is not far fetched. Millions have already pre-ordered the album. Another million plus more will buy the album off the cuff digitally. And while we are on the digital subject, Billboard has put forward a speculation that in the first seven days of release, 25 could sell one million units through digital stores alone and another one or two million from physical stores.

Tracklist for Adele’s ’25’ Album


It is also speculated that the album could break the all-time record for most sales in one week. Should the album be streamed live on release day, the numbers would have been great and that would have earned Adele royalties from the streaming platforms, however it remains unclear whether she will make 25 available later on these platforms or not.

Sometime last year, Taylor Swift pulled all her music out of Spotify because according to Rollingstone, she and her label appeared to be waiting for Spotify to make her catalog available only on its paid “premium” portion and she was not willing to contribute her life’s work to an experiment that she didn’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists and creators of her music.

With Adele, not even streaming her music at all on the day it is released is not very good news for the streaming sites and apps a la traffic, neither is it good news for her loyal fans who must have been looking forward to it.

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