4 amazingly simple ways to boost your tech skills

tech skills

The world is evolving, and in the same ways, jobs are changing faster than before. Most of these changes are as a result of technology, which is gradually changing the way we work. This then means, with the constant change and development, one sure way to stay ahead and future-proof your career is boosting your tech skills and staying up-to-date with technological development

Here are 4 simple ways to boost your tech skills:


1. Read online tutorials

The advantage of online tutorials over books is that they’re accessible, timely, and of cost free.  The disadvantage is that they usually aren’t professionally edited, which can leave them lacking in completeness and/or clarity.

They however have other features like abundant interlinking, user comments, and interactive demos.  Sometimes the comments are better than the original information, since they can contain lots of additional tips and suggestions.


2. Hang out with tech-professionals

If you spend enough time with tech-savvy people, some of their knowledge will rub off on you.  Even professionals learn from other professionals, but if you aren’t much of a geek yourself, a great way to accelerate the development of your technical skills is to join a group of tech-savvy individuals.

You can do this by using co-working spaces, which houses mostly online startup founders. Once you start interacting with tech-professionals you will earn much knowledge about the real-times cases problems faced in the industry.


3. Take online courses

The most obvious way to stay fresh is to take online classes. Whether or not you’ve thought about going back to school, taking a few classes for their own sake, as opposed to working toward a degree, can be a great way to refresh your knowledge base—and learn skills or broad trends in your industry that you might never have had the time to step back and learn before.

For tech skills, there are interesting courses on Coursera and Udacity . Some courses give you a certificate of accomplishment that can serve as a credential.


4. Create your own web site

Setting a goal to create a basic web site is a great way to learn practical skills like HTML and CSS.  When you have a compelling reason to learn, your goals will accelerate your learning, and you’ll learn with a focus on practical application.

With a website, you have the freedom to post nearly anything you want.  Being able to do anything and experiment with tools on the website is a great way of learning. You can also use the website to learn whatever you’ve read from online tutorials.


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