Xbox 360 fall 2012 dashboard update rolls out today

Microsoft announced plans to launch a major new dashboard update to the Xbox 360 console earlier this year and today that update will begin to be distributed to its owners. That update will include the addition of the Internet Explorer web browser for the Xbox 360. Both the Playstation 3 and the Wii have always had a web browser, but this is the first time that Microsoft’s console will be able to surf the Internet.

The Major Nelson website has the details of what else will be included in this fall 2012 dashboard update. It will include the new Xbox Music and Xbox Video services (replacing Zune Music and Zune Video) along with allowing users to recommend and rate content.  Users will also be able to pin their favorite games, videos, music and more to their Xbox 360 home screen in a way that’s similar to the Start screen for Windows 8.

Xbox SmartGlass will be launched at the same time as Windows 8 on October 26th, which will let some Xbox 360 games link to apps for Windows 8, iOS and Android. Microsoft states, “When the Xbox SmartGlass app launches on tablets, PCs and smartphones, it will include key foundational experiences for interacting with your Xbox 360, such as dashboard and app navigation and Internet Explorer control, like text input, scrolling and pinch and zoom.”

Source: Major Nelson | Image via Microsoft

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