Tackling the problem of Pollution with #SustyVibes 

Did you know that every day, about 270,000 trees are flushed down the drain or end up as garbage all over the world?

10% of that number is attributable to toilet paper

More often than not, tissue papers are made out of Virgin Paper (rather than recycled content) and are bleached (which could be harmful to animal health) to make it whiter.

How can we stare down on pollution?

Two things.

  1. Don’t waste tissue paper (and other variations of it): Watch this TED talk video by Joe Smith on how to use one paper towel.

2. Don’t opt for the whitest one. There is this human tendency to associate white with cleaner. The problem with this when it comes to Toilet paper is the whiter tissue means a higher concentration of bleach has been used which is dangerous to animals and our bodies too.

‘Comparison of four rolls of toilet paper made of different types of tissue. Visual guide on recycled (left) versus bright white, bleached tissue’. Source: WWF

There are other environmental impact issues related paper pollution. They include deforestation, air and water pollution etc. See more here.

Meet SustyVibes – an organisation fighting pollution

SustyVibes is a social enterprise aimed at making sustainability ‘cool’ and relatable for young people. Their name alone sounds ‘cool’ (LOL). It is a portmanteau word formed from ‘sustainability’ and ‘vibes’.

Some of the initiatives they have promoted include Dance for SDGs. They also do tweetchats and webinars.

Currently, they are anchoring a competition which requires participants to proffer suggestions on how we can #stareDownOnPollution in Nigeria. FYI: I participated!

With a deadline on Friday, June 30, you too can participate. Simply follow the information in the poster below.

The events don’t stop. Subscribe to techcityNG for updates on SustyVibes.

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