Katy perry account hack, Nigeria’s planned nuclear plant – TechCity Podcast:

Katy Perry

This week’s installment of our techcity podcast is live but before I let you in on the stories we shared, please be reminded that you can follow us on soundcloud so you’re immediately notified on all updates. Thanks.

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The Federal government of Nigeria is moving forward with plans to build the country’s first nuclear reactor as Nigeria and Russia recently signed an inter-Governmental agreement to make this happen by 2025. Moving away from Nigeria to the U.S, tech giant Microsoft in line with its recent decision to pull out of the consumer smartphone business has sold some of its patents and licences to Chinese electronics firm- Xiaomi. As a result, before the end of 2016, all Xiaomi Android smartphones and tablets will be shipped with Microsoft’s and Skype pre-installed.

Mary Meeker’s 2016 Internet trends report was released this week and as usual she’s got the scoop on some interesting tech trends.

If you’re a heavy CPU processor user, then you should already know Intel now has a 10-core desktop processor – the Core i7-6950X Extreme Edition. But it’s not just powerful. It’s also pricey.

By the end of the year, Instagram will roll out (globally) a new set of business tools that’ll make it easier for businesses to market their goods and services and engage with customers via the app. Let me give you a hint – one of the tools will allow people who visit your business profile to be able to contact you via email, or text or phone call. Oh my, that’s more than one hint there. lol

Finally, Katy Perry’s twitter account which also happens to be the most followed account with over 86 million followers was hacked this week. Not much damage was done though. However, it was a reminder of how vulnerable our online accounts are or can be.

You can get details in our Podcast on our SoundCloud page:

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