Strictly for Football Fans: Predict, Bet, Win and Interact on Fanssify!

With the Olympics already in full swing and the English Premier League gathering momentum in its first week of play, sports lovers the world over are uniting with one another by showing support for an athlete and sporting the color of a club’s jersey and most notably, running their own commentary on social media. Only these social media cater to a varied demography of people with equally diverse interests. There is however, a newly developed medium of sports lovers, by sports lovers and specially for football lovers!

Fanssify is a social networking app that connects users to other football fans with features that creates unique FOOTBALL EXPERIENCES to bring satisfaction and reward.  It incorporates deep social media technology that enhances the user experience and creates an avenue for users to share their passion for the game in different ways hence bringing football fans closer together. Imagine a Social platform where football fans around the world can engage seamlessly, effortlessly and passionately about their favourite teams while winning cash prizes, participating in competitions and betting, all via a user-friendly, non-techie Social Media networking app.

Spearheaded by a team of innovative Nigerians who have made their mark in the tech world with a wealth of experience in software solutions, business analysis and technology, Fanssify seeks to be the number one platform for football lovers. To do this, they have identified the major challenges faced by several betting platforms and how their platform proffers result-driven solutions. With focus on the future of sustaining lasting football fan satisfaction, Fanssify is positioned to deliver unique football experiences to its users.

Using general social networking features, live match scores and activities update already created, it has mapped out the following experiences for the first year of Fanssify: The Predictor, Live Radio, Fanstrivia, The Play-Offs and Meme Quest. Fanssify also assures its users of football fan experiences characterized by control, knowledge, certainty, options and most importantly, transparency.

The app lets you stay connected to other social platforms. You can link your account and and your post will be shared directly on your preferred social platform. George Jinadu concluded: “Each unique experiences are carefully designed to create a thrilling experience the best in football fans’ world that offer satisfaction, reward and entertainment.”

Currently, the Fanssify App is available on Google Play for download.

To get the app, click here.

You can follow on Twitter @fanssify and on Facebook at

For more details and other information, visit

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