How to Stay Happy on a Rainy Day

Don’t look at the headline like that. Not every time technology technology, sometimes, reach outside the virtual world and talk about the days when startup owners just do not feel like turning on that computer or an app developer just does not want to think in binary codes and stuff like that because it is a rainy day and you just want to cuddle! A rainy day where you just want to be happy without having to think of what makes you happy. So, for the entrepreneurs feeling under a lot of pressure recently and the geeks rubbing their sore, computer-screen-fixated eyes tirelessly and everyone in between, here are 5 surefire things to do this rainy reason that will put a smile on your face and make you feel all the more human in a virtual world where you feel like a Nanny; cleaning up after everyone’s mess from the rain.

And don’t catch a cold, please. We don’t want you calling in sick because “Bella said…”.

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