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Running a Startup: How To Manage Your Daily Workload

Far too often, startups and their founders end up feeling stuck in a rut. Sometimes, they think their output isn’t good enough – that they just don’t have it in them to sit amongst the greats and enjoy that wide recognition and support for what they do.

Yet while they think that, they rarely stop to look at how well they can control how much work is done. 

We’d definitely recommend that you do the following whenever you get trapped in a bit of a funk.

1. Break down your tasks

Having a big list of small to-dos is better than a small list of gigantic ones. Keeping your list filled with smaller tasks allows you to properly focus on one step at a time. Plus, you’ll feel more accomplished as you cross items off your list and will be less likely to skip over individual components of your tasks.


2. Don’t multi-task

Multitasking can crush concentration and even creativity. You may think you’ll be doing a lot in less time, but it’s actually much better use of your time to focus on one thing at a time and finish it. For example, don’t try to keep up with emails while on a writing task. Just write, and then go through emails.


3. Delegate what you can

It’s hard to let go of items you think only you can do, especially when you’re invested in their final result for your startup. But if you have a team, it’s good to trust them to see those same results. Delegate tasks to team members you know are good at the job, and focus on other pressing issues. This would further aid progress.


4. Do challenging task first

One trick to accomplishing a lot of work each day is doing your most challenging tasks first. When you do this, your mind will be at a 100 percent capacity, and you’ll have stronger momentum to tackle your easier work later on. With this, you’ll be using your energy wisely and then, saving time.


5. Take short breaks

It may seem counterproductive for your startup to walk away from something when your goal is to be more productive. But research shows that when you take small breaks, you tend to get more done than when you power through lunch breaks or stare at a screen all day. Take breaks occasionally to get better results.

