How to make people respect you; in the workplace and beyond

It is one thing to build a successful product/business but the quality of social interactions in the workplace is key to employee productivity.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, he includes a category called Psychological needs which encompasses Esteem Needs and Belongingness/love needs. For which Respect applies.

Well, I don’t know you (your personality, backgrounds, skills etc.), but then I might have some generic tips that could help people Respect you.

“Why should you listen to me?” — TBH, I don’t have an answer to that question, but to play stupid, I would say listen to me because I am speaking… hahaha. But yeah, let’s get to the open secret (paradox! you say?)

The one thing you need to do to get people to respect you is to… *drum rolls* RESPECT THEM!

Simple as pie (of course, not the chart).

Many a times people want to hear some badass, complicated way to live their lives meanwhile the answer is such a simple hack

Most of us have heard “Respect is reciprocal”… so, why don’t we follow it?!

A follow-up question could be; How do you respect people? Like, what about them should be respected?

My reply: Their opinions, personalities and every other thing about you that you want people to respect. Remember the Golden rule, do unto others what you want them to do to you.

Another overlooked way of making people respect you is to RESPECT YOURSELF.

Same way, if you want someone to love you, you first have to love yourself. Else, it would be hard to love you partly because you can’t tell what love is.

Stephen Covey says it nicely, “a relationship is about independent people coming together to become inter-dependent”. Note, he didn’t say dependent people. So yeah, independently respect yourself and someone else would take a cue from that.

Remember that kid in high school that used to call himself Star Boy, now the world calls him Star Boy. Another used to call himself OBO (Omo Baba Olowo), now the world calls him that.

You know why people don’t take comedians seriously? Because they don’t take themselves seriously.

In summary, if you want people to respect you; do these 2 things.

  1. Respect yourself
  2. Respect others


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