This new accessory will turn your Phone into a Game Boy

Game boy

Hyperkin; one of the most innovative video game peripherals manufacturers and distributors of wide variety of accessories for every major platform, playfully spoke last year about its peripheral device which would allow individuals play real Game Boy cartridges on their phones. Everyone called their bluff until they began making well on their words. Pre-orders are now being made for the Smart Boy Development Kit that allows your Android Smartphone play Game Boy and Game Boy Colour cartridges. The $60 peripheral is now available on Hyperkin’s website.

Currently; Hyperkin hopes that this new development is likely to be the closest everyone would get to revive their childhood instead of having to drag the original hardware out of storage.

Are you ready to wait until December 1st to get yours?

I can’t though but unfortunately we have to. Hyperkin originally talked about an iPhone version but Apple phone users are quite unlucky since a solution is yet to be available for them.

Apparently; Hyperkin showcased the first model of the Smart Boy which is a phone case that would turn your Android phone(s) into a fully-functioning Game Boy, at E3 2016 in Los Angeles (the game industry’s big annual trade show). Hyperkin confirmed that the case should work with any Android phone that has a standard micro USB port.

Hilariously...The device was born out of an April fool’s Joke posted on the gaming console company’s Facebook page in the year 2015. But after fans went crazy over the fake idea, Hyperkin decided to turn the phone case into a reality.  The phone case has a slot that allows you to slip in classic Game Boy games, which will then power up on your Smartphone.

We have no final release date yet for the final model of the device but the developer’s model -complete of the Smart Boy’s software and firmware is made available.

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