Is gomoney’s new app experience (goReview) worth the hype? 

When it comes to money and overspending, I know that I am the king of boys. From unapologetic billings to unprepared money requests and black tax, I find doing financial analysis overwhelming. So on a normal day, I just avoid the stress and heartbreak, and look away until Sapa comes knocking. But now, my gomoney app is forcing me to come to terms with reality and do better with my money. 

The truth is, I wasn’t even surprised when the goReview called me a goSleeper, because it really revealed my true money colors. This is something I have been struggling to come to terms with, and as a result, I have decided to be more intentional because there is no hiding from my gomoney app.

I would call this upgrade a first-of-its-kind innovation in Nigeria because how come no bank or financial institution has ever thought of this ? Think about it, sometimes we have to beg and fight our banks to get accurate statements but gomoney is coming through with insightful details and categorizations for money management. 

Basically, the goReview categorizes people into four distinct personas: goStasher, goStarter, goSleeper, and goGetter, each representing different spending and saving styles. It is almost like an exclusive club with different sitting sections if you think about it. 

Here’s what I mean.

The goStasher persona mirrors users who focus on saving money with the goStash feature, while goStarter merely performs transfers without exploring other app features. A goSleeper is a gomoney user missing out on deserving bank benefits while the goGetter embraces multiple gomoney app features, striving for excellence and accomplishing more. You probably already know where you want to be.

I also noticed that gomoney not only gives half-year reports, it also provides detailed expense tracking and categorization, granting users access to in-depth reports and analytics. Even more interesting is the fact that at the end of the year, you get to see a full report of your money moves on the gomoney app. So yes, maybe it’s worth the hype.

To access the half-year report before it wraps up, you only need to update your gomoney app to the latest version, available on both iOS and Android platforms. If you don’t have the app, now might just be the best time to install it, create an account, and start stashing, or should I say start goGetting.

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