Google Unveils First Complete Prototype of Self-Driving Cars

self driving cars

Google has finally unveiled its first complete prototype of the self-driving cars. According to a Google + post, ‘Today we’re unwrapping the best holiday gift we could’ve imagined: the first real build of our self-driving vehicle prototype

While the project has been on-going for years, Google released the first prototype in May, several other prototypes have been worked upon to test the different systems of the self-driving car. All these systems, such as the steering and braking, as well as the “self-driving” parts like the computer and sensors have been put together to make it a full functional vehicle.

Google says it will spend the holidays testing the vehicles at its test track and hopes they will hit the streets of Northern California in the new year. However, as Google continue to test the vehicles, safety drivers will still be used for manual controls when needed.

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