Five Unforgettable Tech From Our Childhood

unforgettable tech

Childhood memories are priceless! We all love reminiscing over the things we did when we were young; the toys, cartoons, et al. Here’s a list of some unforgettable tech stuff from when we were young and green.

Walkman cassette players

Oh the good old days…… the days of recording your favorite songs from the radio and enjoying them on our Walkman, increasing the volume and blasting the music until the Walkman battery dies.


I remember when I first saw this. It was at a friend’s birthday party and she got it as a present! I was so jealous…. Err not really… ok really. Tamagotchi is a virtual and very needy pet! It needs to be fed, bathed and played with. If you fail to make it happy or feed it on time or forget its daily exercise routine; I could die. You can still buy Tamagotchi’s today but they aren’t that common.

Casio Calculator Watch

My dad had one of these; but he went out one night and someone’s drink got spilt on it and it never worked again. That didn’t stop me, I wore the dead watch to school and around the house. These watches have been rendered obsolete by modern technology but some top-of-the-line models are still available albeit pricey.

FamilyCom, Nintendo, Sega Mega DreamCast

Before you kids started playing Playstation 4 and Xbox One, we played FamilyCom, Nintendo, Sega Mega DreamCast. I remember waking up to drink water in the middle of the night and seeing my brother sitting in the dark in the living room with the light of the TV upon his face as subtle sounds from the game could be heard. Those were the good old days of Mario, Street fighter, Playshoot …. The list goes on!


Just one word…. Palito! If you don’t know what it stands for then you’re still a baby! (Tongue out) Palito, the portable radio we carried about in our pockets, there were no phones, no mp3 players, or walkman just Palito! Mmmmm….. the good old days!

Did I miss out any childhood tech stuff? Feel free to remind me and drop them in the comments section!

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