Facebook Adds More “Reactions” To The Like Button

The over 1 billion people who use Facebook are set to experience a fresh addition to the social media platform in a number of new ways. Various users upload posts which reflect different emotions from happiness to melancholy, comical and thought-provoking sentiments on their pages. Facebook now allows you do more than just ‘like’ sensitive posts on it’s platform with “Reactions”.

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg on his verified Facebook page issued a statement saying the launch of Reactions is a new way to express yourself with the new Like button. He continued by saying:

Not every moment you want to share is happy. Sometimes you want to share something sad or frustrating. Our community has been asking for a dislike button for years, but not because people want to tell friends they don’t like their posts. People wanted to express empathy and make it comfortable to share a wider range of emotions.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the right way to do this with our team. One of my goals was to make it as simple as pressing and holding the Like button.

The result is Reactions, which allow you to express love, laughter, surprise, sadness or anger. Love is the most popular reaction so far, which feels about right to me!

To use the new feature, hold down the ‘Like’ button to see the reaction image options, then tap on the reaction or emotion you feel about a particular post; Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry!

Going by some comments on Zuckerberg’s post; too many options is not always a good thing/ There would be less interaction with posts now/ It’s a constructive and strategic innovation. 🙂

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