Business Tips: Turning First-Time Visitors to Repeat Customers

why your startup may be losing customers

When it comes to client/customer service, apart from offering top-notch services, have you thought of how you receive visitors when they walk into your office space? The first impression matters a lot. Your company may be one of the best in town but how a client perceives you trumps how good your product or service is.

Here are seven quick tips for making sure your workplace sells for you.

Train Employees

Your employees should know that all visitors are their personal customers, even if they do not have a functional role with them. This means making eye contact, smiling, saying hello and asking if they can help.

Doing these can make a significant difference for a potential customer and make them feel welcome enough to consider maintaining a business relationship.

A Welcome Board

Have a board at the reception that says, “Welcome, Bola Chukwuemeka from XYZ Company”.

This simple but amazing gesture takes you no more than a couple of minutes to put together and shows your visitors that you consciously thought about them before their arrival.

A Neat Workplace

Ensure you have a neat and well-organized workplace, especially near the entrance where visitors can see. Is the paint chipped? Is the carpet worn? Are magazines scattered around the reception?

Have someone fix the areas that a potential customer might find unpleasant. Your company should reflect the professionalism you intend to convey.

The Right Reception Staff

What does your reception staff communicate when someone walks in? Even if they’re busy answering phones, they can still make friendly eye contact, use hand gestures to indicate they’ll be right with the visitor and offer assistance immediately after getting off the phone.

Be sure to instruct your reception staff to not be constantly looking down at their smartphones, as this can be a huge turn off when a guest is patiently waiting, trying not to be rude.

Offer Refreshments

Invest in a nice water or coffee system that isn’t necessarily in the kitchen area.

Place it where customers can easily find it and serve themselves while they wait or prepare for their meeting. 

Mission Statement

If the company has a mission statement or a set of guiding principles, post it in areas where customers will see, and make sure everyone lives up to it.

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