Blackberry to make an Android based smartphone

blackberry, Changes

When Blackberry first came into Nigeria, everyone who wasn’t a blackberry user was completely shut out of the Blackberry world until very recently. With the availability of BBM on Android, windows and apple devices, Blackberry had opened up its network which is most likely responsible for the report by a Reuters,  “Blackberry will be taking a crack at making an Android device of their own at some point down the line”.

Blackberry had hoped that it could regain the share of the market it lost with the launch of the Blackberry 10devices but technology moves real fast and with the popularity of Android in the market, there is a lot that the company still has to achieve.

Having a Blackberry that runs on an Android device means that the company becomes a software and services company. We honestly would love to see a Blackberry phone, but our only hope is that it doesn’t completely disregard the Google-fueled Android ecosystem in hopes to make Android their absolute own

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