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Leaked images of Android based Blackberry phone emerge

Months ago, it was rumored that Blackberry was working on a new device which will run on an Android OS. Now, we have seen images of the device in question which takes the shape of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge as it has curved edges with a keyboard that slides out from the handset’s base.

Despite the rumour on the streets, Blackberry has said that it is committed to the Blackberry 10 OS saying that it offers better security and enterprise management compared to Android and Apple. “We don’t comment on rumors or speculation, but we remain ‎committed to the BlackBerry 10 operating system, which provides security and productivity benefits that are unmatched,” BlackBerry said in a statement. How true this is, is another issue that we hope to discuss on a later day.

As at today, the Blackberry 10 OS allows users to run Android applications but this is limited and is made available only on Amazon’s App store.

The images were made public on Twitter by technology writer Evan Blass on his “evleaks” feed and the device is rumored to be released by US network operators in November, 2015. It is most likely that the device will allow for users to have the option of running on an Android OS even when it comes with a Blackberry OS.

We guess we will have to wait for November to put all these speculations to rest.
