Meet Abisoye who teaches Nigerian young girls how to code

In the midst of a most discouraging economic situation and the tendency to not be bothered by improving the lot and or welfare of your neighbour or the under-served in your immediate community, one person who has reached far beyond her locale into the slums of Makoko and selected orphanages in Lagos to bring education and the knowledge of technology to the girls in that community.

Abisoye Ajayi is the proprietor at GirlsCoding. An intensive program for equipping young girls between 10-17years of age with information technology skills. Some of the skills to be taught will be programming, animation, raspberry pi and user interface design. After their training, they will also be placed on Internships and connected to Female Tech Mentors to guide them in life and educational choices.  Partially funded by the United States Mission in Nigeria, Abisoye’s GirlsCoding initiative believes that training girls with functional IT skills at an early age as well as mentoring them to believe in a potential greater than their best influences or environment will give them a better chance at succeeding.

In celebration of Children’s Day 2016, we profiled Abisoye Ajayi and GirlsCoding. Watch the inspiring video here:
This training is free and more information can be got here:

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