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7 incredible ways to jump-start your tech startup

The proliferation of tech startups in Nigeria means one thing–running and sustaining a unique one would require some exceptional tactics. If your tech startup is faltering, here are some things you can do right now to jump-start it.


1. Revisit your business plan

Things can go awry fast in business when you take on too many tasks or veer off the initial path. Reviewing your business plan will take you back to the basics. This would help you scrap or tweak things, where necessary.

Doing this would ensure that you don’t forget why you built the startup in the first place.


2. Check your stats 

You need to know what’s going on in your tech startup because tracking is a crucial component of a successful business. Check your website stats either through your web host or set up Google Analytics.

Also check stats on your social media engagement and email list, as well as offline promotions.


3. Revamp your website and social media profiles

While you don’t want to make big changes that would confuse visitors, making a few tweaks on a regular basis can help keep visitors engaged.

Add new content on your website regularly. On your social media profiles, change your profile pictures . Tweak your bio by keeping it current and interesting.


4. Follow-up on existing clients and prospects

It’s easier and cheaper to convert an existing client or customer into a new sale that to get a new one.  For instance, a handwritten note or phone call to an old client can have an amazing effect on sales. You can do the same with prospects that have shown interest, but haven’t yet bought.

Finally, seek referrals. Second only to repeat customers, referrals are the easiest and cheapest source for new business.


5. Re-engage with your network

Networking is one of the best ways to rejuvenate a stalled tech startup. Even if people in your network don’t need your product or services now, they may know others who do.

You don’t have to beg for leads or sound desperate. Instead, start a conversation or let people know you’re there to help.


6. Create and promote freebies

People love free stuff.  Ideally, you should connect the freebie to your email list so people need to subscribe to get your free offer. But you don’t always have to do that. You might get greater distribution and downloads (for online freebies), if you don’t require an email.

Once you have your freebie, promote it on your website, social media, email list, etc.


7. Do a blog/podcast tour

The secret to business success is marketing. An easy and affordable way to show you’re an expert and get in front of your market is by writing for other sites or doing interviews on podcasts. This starts by knowing who your market is and the blogs and podcasts they enjoy.

For example, if you have a digital marketing business, you can contact blogs and podcasts geared toward digital marketing. Suggest an article or show on how entrepreneurs can save time and make money through online marketing.


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