6 Common Myths about IT Certifications


When it comes to IT expertise, having an IT certification is a must. In fact, the more certifications you have, the better!

Yet people still waver on the fence when it comes to IT certifications because of the many myths that exist around possessing such things.

Today we are going to debunk some of these myths and provide you with solid information that will have you jumping at the opportunity to add more credentials to your résumé.

Myth #1: You Can Stop Learning Because You are now an Expert

Education is a lifelong process. We never stop learning. Just because someone has finished school or has become certified, this does not mean that one’s learning should stop there.

Even teachers, once qualified, continue to take AQ (Additional Qualification) courses. So why should IT technicians be any different?

Not only that, but technology is ever-changing. Take a look at your phone, for example. How many new phones have come out since you bought yours? Recently, iPhone 7 evolved. Take a look at Microsoft Windows. How many versions are there now? Windows 10 is now in existence.

Because of the constant changes to the field of technology, IT certifications expire. They must be renewed, keeping the technician’s knowledge current, always building on it.

What makes you an expert is not just passing your certifications, but using your knowledge in a practical way, and doing your job properly, expertly.

Myth #2: Certification Development Benefits Vendors Only

There are a ton of different certifications you can take.

Vendors who have created specific products also create programs to teach others about their products. In the end, these benefit the user, the consumer, and the vendors.

 “CISSP and other sought-after certifications are vendor neutral, negating the argument that certifications only benefit individual vendors.” 

Myth #3: Certifications Have No Value

Certifications are proof of your knowledge. As such, they have value.

However, if your certification is old (like three to five or more years old), it is recommended that you update your skills. (See Myth #1!)

Myth #4: Certifications Do Not Replace Experience or Degrees

There is no doubt that employers prefer hiring people with experience. They often want the most qualified and most knowledgeable person on their team.

“Two people with the same degree and level of experience who apply for the same job find that the ‘differentiator’ that sealed the deal was the certification one of them possessed.”

Your chances of obtaining the job you are applying for will increase with the more qualities, experience, and certifications you have.

This is just common sense!

(If you have no experience, you can always beef up your résumé by doing some pro bono or volunteer work, or offer to work on a contractual basis.)

Myth #5: Money is Not an Issue

Money is always an issue. Companies are in business to make a profit. You work because you want to earn. Money, indeed, makes the world “go round.”

It is cheaper for a company to offer certification programs to their employees than it is to train new employees. Companies protect their assets, and if your company wants to you take an additional certification, it’s because they consider YOU an asset!

Myth 6: Certification Bodies (CBs) MUST Conduct Revalidation Studies Every 5 Years

While it is a good practice to conduct JTAs (Job-Task Analyses), it’s not a requirement to do so.

“The myth of a requirement to conduct JTAs every five years may have stemmed from NCCA accreditation standards, which require certifying bodies (CBs) to conduct a JTA as the basis for developing the assessment… Since accreditation is awarded by ANSI and the NCCA for 5 years and the application requires submission of a JTA report, it would appear that conducting a revalidation study at 5 year intervals would be a logical step for CBs to take.” – Source

If your company decides to conduct a JTA, it’s only because they are protecting themselves. (See Myth #5!)

Draw Your Own IT Certification Conclusions!

Certifications, as you can clearly see, are beneficial in many ways. They make you more valuable to the company that hires you. Your particular skill sets are recognized. You have undeniable proof of your ever-growing knowledge.

Despite the myths surrounding them, certifications are a must-have to have!

Wouldn’t you agree?

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