5 marketing trends your business should jump on in 2018


Well, it looks like 2018 is officially upon us. We hope you had a brilliant time over the holidays, and are ready to dive right back into running your startup.

Because in this post, we’re running through five trends to prep for productive marketing!

You never know which marketing approach is going to work best unless you test, optimize and adjust. If you’re looking to make adjustments to your current marketing strategy, you can give yourself the upper hand with these strategies that are currently on the rise.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is exploding, and there is no sign of it slowing down any time soon. The impact is going to continue to climb as more brands launch campaigns to determine whether or not influencer marketing is a right fit for them.

It’s only going to get bigger, and with mega-influencer costs going through the roof, you need to seriously consider launching a micro-influencer campaign. They often have hyper-engaged followers and with the increase of ad-blocking software use, you need to find creative ways to get your message heard and your brand seen.


Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and they offer a great opportunity for you to connect with your target customer while they are commuting to work or exercising. They are appealing because they’re a form of content that can be consumed while doing something else, allowing you to multi-task and learn.

You don’t want to create a glorified sales pitch or a long-winded commercial, though. They are most effective when you tell a story and let the listener into your world. Consumers want to engage with content that is compelling, and deemed to be interesting.

Visual content

In today’s world of information overload, users are increasingly becoming all about the visuals. People need clear, concise dissemination of information, and visuals do just that.

The right visuals have the ability to enhance emotions and feelings. When it comes to establishing your brand’s identity in the digital marketplace, visuals are more important than anything else. Effective logos, infographics, photographs, animations and website design are all laying new foundations for enhancing brand identity, and they aren’t likely to disappear anytime soon.

Live video

Online videos account for 50 percent of all mobile usage and video content is still very much on the rise. Videos also have the power to connect with consumers and deliver a truckload of information, feelings, thoughts, and responses all within a matter of seconds.

But, in order to heighten the emotions and excitement for users, brands are now “going live.” This means that businesses are able to promote their content ahead of time and then interact in real-time with their consumers. This live element is adding a humanistic component to brands, helping to increase feelings of trust and honesty amongst consumers.

Interactive content 

The desire for connection and engagement is what’s driving the current demand for visual content. But, this same desire for engagement is now leading marketers to discover a new, monumental need for interactive content. Interactive content requires active participation by the user.

In effect, these new forms of content — quizzes and polls, contests, voting, calculators, assessments and animated infographics are adding a whole new layer of depth to the total user experience. But, more importantly, they are inviting the user in, to be a part of the brand. They are enhancing connectivity and effectively turning one-time visitors into brand loyalists. This trend led the pack for growing marketing strategies in 2017.

If you have your own marketing  rules, rituals, or setups, be sure to share them in the comments!

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