5 Apps Every Woman Should Have On Her Phone

Gone are the days when people downloaded apps out of curiosity, necessity, or just didn’t. For ladies who probably feel too workaholic, old fashioned, to be geeky or vain enough to sample the extra apps beyond the pre-installed, you might want to think again after reading through these apps you definitely need.

  1. My pill or Period tracker: as a lady, you should definitely make your phone into not just  a companion, but your personal diary or reminder for delicate matters like when next you would get your period, and other such lady-ish. An app like the Period tracker or My Pill increases the chances of safety, especially for the sexually active ones as you are able to track your period properly, ovulation and safe times, helping you reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies. 
  2. Pinterest: A lot of women do not get how important Pintrest is but it is one of those apps that can provide you almost any idea you need.

Pinterest showcases different categories of ideas fashion and style inspirations, recipes, manicure and pedicure, as well as other such things that could help you stand out as the chic and classy woman you are. You could even find out ideas on the decors for a new house or ideas for what to do at your trips, parties or whatever project you are into. It even allows you to save images or videos of those ideas for later use and even organize them for you to easily find them later on.

  1. Instagram: More than just an app for showcasing how beautiful you are, Instagram is also a good way to save all those really gorgeous pictures you have as a lady, in case your phone gets missing.

Being a diva doesn’t really have to be just knowing the trends, it’s also about understanding the industry that help you become stylish.

Instagram as everyone knows isn’t really a fashion app but it has accounts created by different designers, bloggers, events and stylists to keep you updated on the world of style, trends and fashion; keeping you very fashion-oriented with ideas at the tip of your fingers which also helps to keep you beauty-conscious and slamming wherever you are.

It also is now a source of news, has a time line like Snapchat, a photo editor and other such things which would give you something to talk about.

  1. The Mirror App: Everyone knows the mirror is like a lady’s best friend. Every lady always wants to look good and check on themselves almost every time. So why take a mirror around when you could just download a mirror with your phone? The mirror app is simpler to use than the phone camera; it allows you to zoom in or out and provides a one-touch lighting control, it even allows you take pictures and upload it immediately on your different social platform.

Definitely satisfactory and less stressful.

  1. News Apps in general: Now this could either be your Linda Ikeji, Pulse, Naij or any other app that gives you the hottest news stories as it drops. You just have to have one of those so you stay informed and at the forefront of all that’s happening around you. Not every time Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or chatting. You got to stay in the loop of things.

Other interesting apps to have are your music streaming apps like Spotify, Deezer, or Apple music, Google docs, Adobe reader, Thumblr, Uber, Banking apps, etc.

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